
CanIhearyoututting?Picturebooksforall?Butaren'tpicturebooksforbabiesandsmallchildren?Therearesomewonderfulexamplesofpicturebooks, ...,Thisisalistofpicturebooks(includingsophisticatedpicturebooks)thatIusetomotivateandengageYear1-10studentsinreadingandwriting.,由RCurtis著作—Rightnow,someplaceintheworld,ateacherisshowingapicturebooktotheirstudents,achildissittingonthelapofacaregiver,andanotherchi...

Picture books for all

Can I hear you tutting? Picturebooks for all? But aren't picturebooks for babies and small children?There are some wonderful examples of picturebooks, ...

Picture Books For Reading And Writing (List #1)

This is a list of picture books (including sophisticated picture books) that I use to motivate and engage Year 1-10 students in reading and writing.

Read with Me

由 R Curtis 著作 — Right now, someplace in the world, a teacher is showing a picture book to their students, a child is sitting on the lap of a caregiver, and another child is ...

Teacher Picks

2024年4月10日 — Scholastic presents a collection of teachers' favorite picture books.

Teaching with Picture Books

Lesson plans and teaching resources for K-Year 6 students based on quality picture books written by an Australian teacher. Lots of free stuff!

The Children's Picture Book Project

In this lesson students plan, write, illustrate, and publish their own children's picture books. First, students review illustrated children's books to gain ...

The Importance of Picture Books in Education

2022年10月18日 — Picture books can also help to teach social cues and cultural differences in the same way. Exploring the topic through images and small chunks ...

The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

A blog for teachers to find example questions and ideas for different reading skills and strategies for over 100 different picture books.